Sunday, August 7, 2016

Welcome to my New Blog!/Rapid Fire Book Tag

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my new blog! I had been posting on, but it hasn't been working for some reason, I like this format better (it is WAY easier to post!), and will automatically publish my reviews from goodreads. It's a win-win-win! To kick this off, I thought I would do the "Rapid Fire Book Tag." I found this on Ariel Bissett's youtube channel (found HERE) and she apparently got it from Girlreading (original video HERE). Without further ado, lets do this!

1. E-Book or Physical Book? 

This is a hard one because it's probably a pretty close tie for me. I love e-books because I can read them without the lights on while trying to get my little guys to bed and they are so convenient. However, if I HAVE to choose, it will probably be a physical book, mostly because I'm emotionally attached to them in a way I am not to e-books. I love their texture and smell and I love actually seeing how far I am in the book rather than just seeing a percentage sign.

2. Paperback or Hardback? 

Paperback!! They are way lighter and take up less space on my bookshelf (making room for MORE BOOKS! hahaha!). They also fit easier into my purse.

3. Online or In-Store Book Shopping?

I love the deals you can get online, but it is nothing compared to the feeling you get walking through bookstores. In-store book shopping. No contest. (Doesn't this one look amazing? ^)

4. Trilogies or Series?

Either! If it's a series I really love (like Harry Potter), the longer, the better. However, it is nice to have an end in sight sometimes.

5. Heroes or Villains?

I prefer it when there is not a clear right/wrong (it makes the book so much more interesting), but in general, I like heroes. However, it is best when the hero/heroine is not perfect or even makes some pretty big mistakes like Victor from Vicious by V.E. Schwab. He was a great anti-hero!

6. A book you want everyone to read?

My automatic answer is and always will be the Harry Potter series, but I feel like that is a little bit too obvious. When looking through my favorite books, I think I will choose Watership Down by Richard Adams because it is a great classic that has something everyone should enjoy (action, adventure, and heart).

7. Recommend an underrated book. 

One book I really enjoyed was Moloka'i by Alan Brennert. I read it right after having my first child so I was a bit hormonal at the time, but it was a very emotional read. It really was wonderful. I felt so connected to the characters and it has stuck with me in the two years that have passed since I've read it.

8. Last book you finished? 

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really enjoyed it! See my review HERE.

9. Last book you bought?

I just bought the e-book of The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Peasonbecause it went on sale for $2.99 and I've heard great things about it. It's been all over booktube. A runaway princess? Sounds right up my alley! I'm looking forward to reading it.

10. Weirdest thing you've used as a bookmark?

Oh I don't know. I tend to dog-ear my books (Gasp! It's a terrible habit, I know), but I've used everything and anything from other books to (unused) toilet paper to car keys.

11. Used Books: Yes or No?

YES! A thousand times over, yes! They cost less (or are free in the library) and have already been loved. I prefer them, in fact.

12. Top three favorite genres?

I like most types of books and I'll read anything, but I especially love anything YA, fantasy, and historical fiction. But if it's a good book, I'll read it, regardless of the genre.

13. Borrow or Buy?

Buy. I love the library and use it all the time, but I love having my own books to keep even more. Also, no due dates!

14. Characters or Plot?

Of course any great book is good in both areas, but character development is really important to me. If I don't care much about the characters, it's hard for me to love the plot. This is part of my problem with anything by Rick Riordan. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but the characters (and plots, actually) all seem sort of similar to me. I just don't care enough about the characters for some reason, so I don't love the books as much. However, if you can get me to care about the characters (like Kelsea from The Queen of the Tearling - I LOVED her!!), I will enjoy the story so much more.

15. Long or short books?

If I'm enjoying the book, the longer, the better!

16. Long or short chapters?

Short. It helps me read the story quicker because I keep thinking, "I'll just read one more chapter. They're not too long. . ." Then three hours later . . .

17. Name the first three books you think of . . .

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell - I haven't read it yet, but I bought it and I can't wait to!!

Career of Evil  by Robert Galbraith (AKA J.K. Rowling) - I just read it and really enjoyed it, although it creeped me out. See some of my thoughts on it HERE.

Cress by Marissa Meyer - I'm reading it right now and really enjoying this series!

18. Books that make you laugh or cry?

Calvin and Hobbes always makes me laugh! I read it when I'm stressed. :) 

I don't usually cry for books or movies, but I think I teared up when I read Fire by Kristin Cashore when (minor spoiler ahead!) she talks about how desperately she wants children and knows she can never have them. She was a character I really connected to. 

19. Our world or fictional worlds?

I like fictional worlds. I don't know why, but I just love fantasy! 

20. Audiobooks: Yes or No?

YES!! I am constantly listening to audiobooks! I get more reading in that way!! 

21. Do you ever judge a book by its cover? 

I try not to, but I can't help it. Can anyone? I always leave my ultimate judgment to my reading, but I am certainly attracted to certain covers. 

22. Book to movie or book to tv adaptations? 

I think I tend to enjoy book to TV adaptations because they can be more in-depth and you can get to know the characters better (I'm all about that character development!). 

23. A movie or TV-show you preferred to its book?

I love the Game of Thrones TV show!! I read the first two books, but I think TV is the perfect format for that series. The books are great, but honestly, I think I prefer the TV show! 

24. Series or stand alones? 

If it is a good series, I prefer them because I can stay in the world longer. :)

Thanks for reading!!!

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